The Bible account of the ten plague's it's says he protected his people from any harm even if it upset the authorities and people of that time so his name would be known and he was all powerful.And Moses and Aaron lead his people in obedience to God's direction.
So why not today?
JW's will tell you that this is because the Israelites were the chosen people God directly had dealings with and he directly brought the plagues upon Egypt as a punishment for not letting the Israelites go. They'll tell you that today's situation and others to come (wars, difficult weather patterns plagues etc) , are as a result of mans own actions such as greed, improper sanitation, overcrowding, polluting the earth, ruining the environment etc. They'll tell you that Jehovah knew that this would be the eventual outcome of mankind being led by Satan, JW's acknowledge that they too will be effected by these things and must do their part to protect themselves.
I understand that people on this forum have been adversely effected by the JW organization (I have too) but it seems like there are those who will fault them for EVERYTHING they do. If they don't meet together, they're accused of not trusting Jehovah....if they did meet together they'd be seen as delusional fools who are being irresponsible or only concerned about making sure they keep the donations coming in.
If the government tried to ban JW's outright, they'd surely resist (as they've done in other lands) . What's taking place today is not preventing them from worshiping. It's a temporary situation and they aren't being singled out.